Monday, September 13, 2004


Homosexual protesters in New Zealand learned not to mess with little old ladies going to church on Sunday:
A small protest outside a Destiny Church service in Christchurch turned nasty last night and a man was allegedly hit by a car driven by an elderly church member.

A Papanui man, Tony Tucker, said he was hit by the car as the driver attempted to leave the service at Paparoa Street School, in Papanui, about 8pm.

Tucker said he was carried a short distance on the car's bonnet and fell to the side before the woman drove away from the scene.

Church-goers said the three protesters had been aggressive towards parishioners as they left the service, and had blocked the elderly woman, who panicked as she attempted to drive off....

Tucker said he and two friends had gathered outside a Destiny Church meeting at Paparoa Street School last night to get "answers about what they were feeling about (gays and lesbians)".

The protesters had watched the church service through a hall window.

Tucker admitted their verbal protest was peppered with "nasty" comments, but believed they were not being intimidating.

Tucker said he had tried to talk to the elderly woman as she got into her car about her views, and he claimed the woman was being abusive to him.

"She backed away, and I went and blocked the car," Tucker said.

"I wanted to confront her more, I wanted to talk to this lady," he said. ...

Tucker admitted some of the things he and his friends were saying were not "politically correct", and said they had consumed "a few wines" before heading to the meeting.

He said a group of male church members had confronted the protesters.

Destiny Church Christchurch pastor Hudson Bond said the protesters appeared to be drunk and refused to let his congregants out of the school grounds.

"They kicked her car and scared her," he said. "They banged on her bonnet and whacked her window and wouldn't let her drive out the driveway."

The protesters were apparently blocking the gate as she was trying to leave the service just after 8pm.

When a security guard tried to intervene, he was abused.

Sounds like a pleasant bunch. I'm on the side of granny.

[Link via WND]

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