Tuesday, September 18, 2007

why evolution, of course

Evolutionists faced with the reality of man's innate moral sense have developed a solution to the puzzling conundrum of its existence. You guessed it--evolutionists have credited it it to (drum roll...) evolution!
At first glance, natural selection and the survival of the fittest may seem to reward only the most selfish values. But for animals that live in groups, selfishness must be strictly curbed or there will be no advantage to social living. Could the behaviors evolved by social animals to make societies work be the foundation from which human morality evolved?
Well, maybe it could. If God is excluded from consideration then evolution is the only possible explanation for our existence and everything related to it, of course. But as always, the answer is rigged before the question is asked.

The article talks about too much focus on the rider rather than the elephant. The reality is evolutionists simply don't wish to acknowledge the proverbial elephant in the room: God as Creator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the comment by the evolutionist, "Could the behaviors evolved by social animals to make societies work be the foundation from which human morality evolved" and you replied, "Well, maybe it could."

No chance. Science can only explain what is; it can never tell us what ought to be. Morality doesn't objectively exist in a world without God. I would ask this evolutionist what's wrong with selfishness, rape or murder, if someone wishes to believe it's okay.

The guy who wrote that piece is definitely deluded, but I wouldn't play his game by suggesting morality could possibly "evolve" in a universe without God.