For those of you who have been wondering about the radical libertarian policial economy of David Lipscomb this essay is for you. The author, Edward P. Stringham, ties Lipscomb's pacifist and non-participatory approach to government to modern libertarian economic theory. Yes, I know most of you have already have eyes glazed over, but there are a few of you out there who think that's interesting, too.
Thanks to friend of theosebes Wild Bill for the link.
The Capitol of King Saul
2 weeks ago
Thanks for the link. I know I'll read it. I keep asking Dave if there's such a thing as a Christian libertarian.
I keep asking Dave if there's such a thing as a Christian libertarian.
That is a point of controversy among conservative Catholics as well; in particular, the traditionalists at Chronicles Magazine and the paleolibertarians at the Von Mises Institute (Thomas Woods, among others) at Auburn U.
If anything, it would be easier for one in the "Restoration Tradition" (if I can be permitted to use that academic term) given its empiricist emphasis, than among Catholics, who tradition is premodern and rooted in Hellenic philosophy.
(Hey Alan, now people's eyes will really glaze over. And I probably don't even understand most of what I wrote!)
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