Thursday, September 30, 2004


The Daily Universe (get your own planet, now!), student paper at Brigham Young University, has pulled the plug for a 'racy' t-shirt:
Ads for Chad Ramos' T-shirts have worn out their welcome at Brigham Young University.
The Daily Universe, the newspaper at the LDS Church-owned campus, yanked the quarter-page ads this week after scads of complaints from faculty, students and administrators.
NewsNet general manager Jim Kelly, who oversees the paper, said readers were especially offended by a woman in the ad wearing a shirt with the slogan: "I Can't . . . I'm Mormon."
"At BYU, our standards are unapologetically higher than in many areas and in many publications," Kelly said Friday. "At the end of the day, we need to ensure we maintain our standards - and that's what we've done in this case."
Ramos, a practicing Mormon who served an LDS mission in Brazil, countered that the "I Can't" slogan reflects church members' desires to live those standards. Many Latter-day Saints living outside Utah, he noted, utter the phrase every day when asked to partake of activities - such as drink coffee or watch racy movies - that violate church standards.
BYU senior Danielle Harmon acknowledged using the "I Can't" phrase herself several times at her home in Klamath Falls, Ore. Even so, she dislikes the shirts.
"I choose not to [violate LDS standards]," she said. "The T-shirts make it look like the religion forces us to do things instead of it being personal choice."

When one sees the young lady sporting the tee, one does doubt that coffee springs to mind, although this cartoon seems to capture the problem pretty well.

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