I am the victim of a 'Tag' by Anastasis, so here goes (as best I can):
Four Jobs I've Had:
1) College History TA
2) Warehouse flunky at Service Merchandise
3) Library Tech
4) Setting tombstones (my Dad owned a monument company)
Four Movies I Could Watch Over & Over
1) Casablanca
2) LOTR Trilogy
3) Empire Strikes Back
4) Raiders of the Lost Ark
Four Books I Could Read Over & Over
1) The Canon of Sherlock Holmes
2) Jayber Crow
3) The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft
Four Places I've Lived
1) Fogertown, Kentucky
2) Mecosta, Michigan
3) Versailles, Kentucky
4) Columbia, South Carolina
Four TV Shows I Watch
1) Sherlock Holmes (with Jeremy Brett--DVD)
2) Law & Order
3) 24
4) Gilmore Girls (with my wife)
Four Websites I Visit Daily
1) Drudge
2) New York Times (I admit it)
3) ebay
4) CatsPause.com
Four Favorite Foods
1) Hot Brown
2) cream candy
3) blueberry pie/pecan pie (tie!)
4) Corky's pulled pork barbecue
Four Places I'd Like to Be Right Now
1) Savile Row
2) Hyderabad
3) Australia
4) bed
Four Bloggers I'm Tagging
I'll be a party pooper and end the madness.
The Capitol of King Saul
3 weeks ago
Go CATS!!!!
Yes Alan - LOTR and Sherlock Holmes, favorites of mine as well. As they say, Sa-Weet!
Gilmore Girls! You sissy. Paris is more manly than you. A guy watching Gilmore Girls! Luke and Jess both would make mordant but widely differing, comments about your girlitude.
If you were only a real man like Logan. Right, Ace.
Hmmm, your own knowledge of the show seems...comprehensive. I label you Taylor Doose!
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