Friday, December 19, 2003


A panel of judges from the 6th US Circuit Court has ordered the Ten Commandments down in three Kentucky counties:
The Ten Commandments displayed in two Kentucky courthouses and in Harlan County schools must come down because the motive to hang them on the walls was "blatantly religious," not educational, a divided panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday.

The court said that after the displays met legal challenges from some residents and the American Civil Liberties Union, officials in McCreary, Pulaski and Harlan counties tried to cover up their religious motivations by adding other items, such as the lyrics to The Star-Spangled Banner, the text of the Declaration of Independence and a quote from Abraham Lincoln that "The Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man" into the mix.

That attempt was a sham, Judge Eric Clay wrote in his majority opinion.

Now when did a Kentucky county become "Congress" passing a law establishing a religion?

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