Monday, November 03, 2003


"What the gnawing locust has left, the swarming locust has eaten..."

The Sudanese have learned what a Biblical-style plague is like, as
grasshoppers have swarmed over their land:
Eleven people died and thousands were taken to hospital with breathing difficulties after a swarm of grasshoppers invaded a town in central Sudan....

Resident Joseph Mogum in Wad Medani, about 176 km southeast of the capital Khartoum, said the grasshoppers gave off a strong smell which caused breathing problems.

Breathing problems are something I hadn't been aware was connected with locust swarms. It helps give us insight onto the Joel plague and the Egyptian plague of Exodus 10 visited upon the Egyptians. Fascinating.

And no, I'm not saying that God sent a locust plague on the Sudanese.

[Link via Drudge]

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