Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Below we discussed Rep. Ron Paul's opposition to a federal amendment to ban same-sex 'marriage'. While I have great sympathy with his states rights approach, each day I become more convinced that we are past that point. As if on cue, Judge William Morvant has disenfranchised Louisiana votes by throwing out that state's same-sex marriage ban:
A district court judge today threw out an amendment to the Louisiana Constitution banning same-sex marriage that was passed by 78% percent of the state's voters.

I think it is clear that the courts and powers that be have decided that like abortion, it doesn't really matter what the people think or long standing law has held. We must march to the drum of "progress", which means recognizing "choice", whether that's the choice to slaughter infants or play house with a same-sex "partner".

As our nation continues down its path of decline and decay the Old Republic is becomes an increasingly small dot on the horizon behind us.

This interesting information is apended to the story:
a homosexual lawyer arguing against the amendment in August lost his temper in a Louisiana courtroom when a fellow attorney called him a "homosexual." John Rawls' face turned red and he lunged at the attorney defending traditional heterosexual marriage.

"No one calls me the H-word," Rawls said in defense of his outburst.

The lawyer insisted he was not a homosexual, but, rather, a "gay" man.

Theosebes site policy is not to use the term "gay" to refer to homosexuals, but rather to use the proper term, "homosexual". Of course, if I'm in a bad mood we might use "sodomite". The point that needs to be maintained is that homosexuality, like any other sin, is an action, not a state of being.

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