I returned home a couple of weeks ago to find an unexpected package waiting for me. Now usually when packages arrive addressed to me and I get that "what is this?" look from my wife I either have to think of something quick or slink away quietly. It's nice when I can say, "I have no idea what it is, honey--I've certainly not ordered anything."
Lo and behold it was a complimentary copy of American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia (available in hardcover
Now, why would they send such a thing to me? Well, many moons ago, when I had a lot more hair, I actually wrote an entry for this project (see, "Clay, Henry"). The project languished, editors were changed, some were, I believe, abducted by aliens. The project seemed, as they say, snakebit. I started to doubt it would ever be released. In the meantime I married, had three kids, traveled to far corners of the world. The century changed. Still, no book. Then recently, the publisher--ISI--began plugging a genuine publication date. 'Yeah, sure,' I thought. But then, it actually appeared. Even more impressive, they apparently sent a complimentary copy to every contributor. Don't assume that always happens. As you might imagine, this book likely will not knock The Da Vinci Code off the New York Times bestseller list (or even Marley & Me--it's tough to compete with dog books).
At any rate, I'll make absolutely nothing if you buy one (well, I will if you buy through the link above), but it's a very well done book, and knowing many of those who contributed entries, written by good people (and a few soreheads). Buy yours today.
Far be it from me to plug myself, but if I don't who will?
1 comment:
Well, I always do, although you have in times past seemed skeptical that what I was doing was plugging you.
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