Brad Edmonds, also writing from Alabama, argues that
government is morally wrong. I would agree with many of the points he makes. But like the scientists in the post below, Edmonds leaves God out of the equation. Yes, politically and morally I have great problems with much of what (our) government does, however we must be careful not to argue that government qua government is an evil. In fact it is an institution endorsed by God:
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves....[Government] is a minster of God to you for good. --Romans 13:1-4
Do governments abuse their positions? Most certainly. And we find throughout Scripture God judging and punishing nations. Do we in an (ostensibly) elective republic have the ability to alter the course our nation takes? Yes, if we are able. But can we condemn government outright? No, that is a step too far.
Rather than the libertarian position, much of which I find reasonable, instead we must turn to the position espoused by Russell Kirk echoing Edmund Burke that limited government is a good, a necessary institution that can provide us an ordered liberty. There we find a position more in keeping with Godly respect for government and a human desire for liberty.