President Bush commented yesterday that 'Intelligent Design' should be taught in schools as a competing theory to Darwinian evolution.
Predictably, the faux sophisticates expressed shock:
These comments drew sharp criticism yesterday from opponents of the theory, who said there is no scientific evidence to support it and no educational basis for teaching it.
Much of the scientific establishment says that intelligent design is not a tested scientific theory but a cleverly marketed effort to introduce religious -- especially Christian -- thinking to students. Opponents say that church groups and other interest groups are pursuing political channels instead of first building support through traditional scientific review.
Those on the 'blogosphere' were outraged as well.
There has been these much fuss and bluster in some time. I'm glad to see it.
So now Bush has thrown in with those who think that "intelligent design" should be taught alongside evolution in the nation's schools. OK. But why stop there?
While the science teacher is at it, he might make the study of astronomy more poetic by including the theory that the sun is not a frighteningly impersonal thermonuclear furnace but actually the flaming chariot of Phoebus Apollo streaking across the sky.
Or he might calm the students' fears of being adrift in a soulless universe by casting aside all this Copernican nonsense and admitting that, as any fool can see just by looking up, the Earth stands still and the sun, moon and stars revolve around us, er, it.
And in civics class, why limit students to an understanding of representative democracy, checks and balances and the rule of law? What about equal time for fascism? It's clearly a less complicated, more efficient system of government, one that dispenses with such bothersome notions as elections, free speech and minority rights.
History? Make sure all those open-minded students hear that we never landed on the moon, President Kennedy was killed by the CIA and the Nazis couldn't possibly have killed 6 million Jews.
All in the name of "critical thinking."
Nothing of what you said above proves that intelligent design is not credible. If evolution is correct and true, it should have nothing to fear from scrutiny. What's interesting about all of this is that years after the Scopes trial, the scenario has been reversed and now it is the faith of Darwinists which is being challenged and the Darwinists and their laity can't stand it. Again, if evolution is trully and wholly scientific, it will not fear scrutiny.
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