The Christian allegory The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe has knocked the giant monkey off his perch and regained the top spot (my apologies for tasteless ads there) in box office gross. It's amazing what a well made, family friendly movie will do at the box office. One wonders if Hollywood might sometime figure this out.
In other news, apparently the touching story of two men and their sheep, Brokeback Mountain, is dropping fast. Don't be surprised if it wins best picture, though.
The Capitol of King Saul
4 weeks ago
"The touching story of two men and their sheep???"
That kind of snarky innuendo is unbecoming of even YOU, Alan.
Narnia strikes back?? As a Christian allegory, isn't it supposed to turn the other cheek?
- Mitch
I wouldn't write off "Brokeback Mountain" quite so fast if I were you. Right now it's making more money PER THEATER than any other film. Not bad for a film that's only playing in 217 theaters.
In other exciting news, the Christian Film & Television Commission, which calls itself "a ministry dedicated to redeeming the values of the mass media according to biblical principles," calls the film "twisted, laughable, frustrating and boring neo-Marxist homosexual propaganda."
All the more reason to see it.
Narnia was an amazing movie, I totally agree. I wish Hollywood would catch on to the style and the essence behind this film.
I just finished a book that could fit into the same genre as The Chronicles of Narnia and would make an amazing movie.
The book is titled "The Fall of Lucifer", written by Wendy Alec.
The book opens with the three Angelic brothers, Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel, in heaven before the fall. Over the course of the book, the essence of the angels is developed. The controversy arises when God created man to be higher than the angels, in that we are created in the image of God. Lucifer was embittered to the point of rebellion.
Various historical events are incorporated, and the plot offers the perspective of an angel into the events. The novel develops the beauty of heaven and the grotesque quality of hell, the depths of evil, and the beauty of grace. It communicates these themes through beautiful imagery and an intriguing plot. The beautiful imagery would make for amazing scenery!
This is a fast read, 300 page novel that is consuming to the imagination and penetrating to the heart. I hope they make this book into a movie. It would be amazing. If you have time, I hope you enjoy it!
"Brokeback Mountain" was produced to give the warm and fuzzies to all the haters who despise Christianity, Western Civilization, and the American masculine ideal. Those three concepts are part of a trinity, now that's interesting, which stand against decadence, Marxism, and atheism. Fortunately, relatively few Americans are worshipping at that altar and the movie is bombing. It will receive accolades from the devotees of the latter trinity. But, fortunately, the people are catching on to the auto-erotic gushings of the leftist glitterati and their "award shows", seeing them for what they are: Self-centered people congratulating themselves and acting as if the praise is coming from somewhere that matters.
Proudconservative, I wholly agree with you on that. Amen.
Dear ProudConservative:
You think "Brokeback Mountain" is BOMBING? I think not. There's this from the Indianapolis Star:
If you were wondering whether "Brokeback Mountain" -- the film dubbed by some "the gay cowboy movie" -- will play well in the conservative heartland, it's doing blockbuster business at Landmark's Keystone Art Cinema and Indie Lounge. The take for its exclusive first-week run topped $50,000.
"A phenomenal week," said Hugh Wronski, senior regional publicist for Landmark Theatres. "We're happy if we do $4,000 a week on some films."
Locally, there have been no organized protests, no pickets, no boycotts of the film.
Let's see, there's also this from the Philadelphia Daily News:
The big question: How is "Brokeback Mountain" playing in the cinematic heartland?
The answer: So far, so good.
In December, Focus Features released "Brokeback Mountain" to the highest domestic per-screen average ever recorded: $109,485 in five theaters. That's impressive, but less so given those five theaters were in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, markets you might expect to pony up to a movie about gay ranch hands.
Last weekend it reached 269 screens, up 52 from the previous week, with a 61 percent jump in attendance from the previous week. According to Variety, last weekend's per-screen averages were $37,000 in Nashville, $44,000 in Columbus, Ohio, and $32,000 in Milwaukee - towns with more of a middle-America makeup than the big coastal cities where the film debuted.
New Year's weekend, the movie pulled in $4.8 million for a four-day, per-screen average of $18,000 and a 25-day total of $15 million. "Brokeback" is slated to add 120 screens tomorrow.
Paul Dergarabedian, president of the box office tracking company Exhibitor Relations, said "Brokeback" appears to be built for the long haul.
So yeah, the film might be "bombing" amongst card-carrying members of the American Family Association, if you'd prefer to spin it that way. And if you don't want to see it, that's fine. Frankly the rest of us in the audience could do without the nasty comments from the peanut gallery.
Your effort is admirable, sort of, but blinding you somewhat. Let me clear up what I think you misunderstood. You've only proven proudconservative's point.
Proudconservative said: It is bombing. BUT..."It will receive accolades from the devotees of the latter trinity."
"'What does this mean???" you say'" Stay with me here...I think Proudconservative identifies the "latter trinity" as: decadence, Marxism, and atheism. Chuck, you quoted the very sources that represent "the latter trinity" in the defense of Brokeback. This is what they advocate...figuratively, metaphorically, and literally.
Additionally, what's with the funny logic and math? Focus Feature says "Last weekend it reached 269 screens, up 52 from the previous week, with a 61 percent jump in attendance from the previous week."
First, up to 269 from 52 is called distribution. It happens to all films. And the rate its pushed is by supply and its promoter, not demand.
Secondly, up to 269 from 52 in a previous week (we'll call this a one week period for clarification purposes) is a 417% increase. Now, compare that to the astronomical (as the latter part of the trinity trys to make this sound) increase of a whopping 61% jump in a previous "one" week period.
417% increase in theatres
61% in attendence
Same time period, one week.
The numbers say the movie is bombing. Reps for decadence, Marxism, and athiesm says it's the best movie ever...
I need to make a correction on the last portion of the comment I made.
417% Increase in theatres
61% Increase in attendance
Same time period, one week.
Giving this more thought, the promoters will say anything if they are going into damage control in an effort to recover costs. They'll promote it as the best movie ever, give it a bunch nominations for the best in everything, and whatever get folks to pay and see it.
Most better movies don't require this kind of bogus and deceptive marketing. Narnia knocked King Kong from the top...again. Both appear to be doing well. Narnia specifically, primarilly for its content. It's unusual to have such an open reception for a movie that could have been attacked in some twisted way for "spreading Christianty." Its reception is encouraging.
Wow. I did not think that my brief post, hurriedly dashed off between patients, would elicit such a reaction from Chuck. Alan's original post was meant to encourage the faithful, to lift the spirits of people who have seen what seems to be a rising tide of sin in the world. But why then is it necessary to you, Chuck to tell us that "Brokeback Mountain" is doing so well. Could it be an effort to gloat? Could it be an effort to convince yourself as well as others that your side is winning? I think so. The thing is, and the whole point of Narnia is to show that, ultimately, the battle is out of our hands and will be decided by God. But, I must close for now and get back to sweeping up the peanut gallery.
Don't blame me. I wasn't the one who started the thread with snickering comments about "two men and their sheep."
I'm a film buff, and I especially appreciate good film direction. As far as I'm concerned, any new film directed by Ang Lee is cause for celebration. Some of his previous films include "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," "Eat Drink Man Woman," and "The Wedding Banquet."
I'd want to see "Brokeback Mountain" knowing only that Ang Lee directed it. I'd say the same thing about the films of Stanley Kubrick or Martin Scorsese.
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