The new slogan coming out of Washington
6 days ago
Mordant commentary on Christianity & culture by Alan Cornett
Religion, not patriotism, truly is the last refuge of the scoundrel. While most believers want to worship God and serve their fellow human beings, a few people twist the sacred for personal and political profit. Indeed, claiming that "God is on my side" plays the ultimate trump in any dispute.
A group called DefCon: Campaign to Defend the Constitution is one of several groups planning to take part in a "Rally for Reason" outside the Creation Museum in Petersburg when it holds its grand opening on Memorial Day.
"The main problem is that this is a museum of misinformation," said Lawrence Krauss, a professor of physics and astronomy at Case Western Reserve University who is a member of DefCon's advisory board.
Those attending the rally are sure to be outnumbered by the faithful making the trek to the 60,000-square-foot museum's opening day.
At least 2,000 to 3,000 visitors are expected, said Ken Ham, who is president and founder of the non-profit Answers in Genesis, the group that built the museum. Already this week, about 5,000 charter museum members have attended sneak previews, Ham said yesterday.
"Why do they worry about my little museum?" he asked about the protests by scientists. "They've got museums all over the world."
Ham also said his museum has scientists on staff who agree with the idea that the Earth was created in six days and is only 6,000 years old.
But Krauss and Scott said the vast majority of scientists, and science, are on their side.
"They try to blind you with Ph.D.s, but you find a Ph.D to say anything," Krauss said.
Evolution gets its continual comeuppance, while biblical revelations are treated as gospel.One suspects (fears?) that was written without irony. The review is probably as even-handed as they could muster.
ROMAN burial sites found by archaeologists have been desc-ribed as some of the most important in Britain.
They were discovered during a survey on land next to the A2 in Gravesend.
Oxford Archaeology made the finds during surveys for Skanska Construction undertaken before work started on the Highways Agency Pepperhill to Cobham road-widening project.
Burial sites for three high-status Romans have been unearthed, containing belongings such as bronzewear, gaming boards, clay vessels and fashion accessories.
A relief of an ancient gladiator has been found in the Turkish city of Ephesus.Fun stuff, as always.
Austrian archaeologists working at the city's Marble Hall of the Hillside Houses II found the reliefs on marble columns in the ancient Turkish property.
Lead archaeologist Professor Fritz Krinzinger from the Austrian Archaeology Institute told the Turkish Daily News: "We unearthed two marble columns with two gladiators relief, which we believe were used in the barriers of a structure in the area.
"The findings will be handed over to Ephesus Museum according to Turkish law," he added, meaning that visitors will be able to see the reliefs.
The gladiator reliefs were found as part of restoration works on the Marble Hall, while excavations are continuing in the southern parts of Ephesus' ancient theatre.
Archbishop Rowan Williams has sent invitations to more than 800 Anglican bishops asking them to attend the Lambeth Conference in July and August 2008, but did not include V. Gene Robinson and Martyn Minns.
Robinson's consecration as bishop of New Hampshire in 2003, in which he became the Anglican Church's first openly gay bishop, led to deep divisions among Anglicans.
Robinson said he was deeply disappointed by Williams's decision. "How does it make sense to exclude gay and lesbian people from the discussion?" he asked in a statement. "Isn't it time that the bishops of the church stop talking about us and start talking with us?"
Minns, a deeply conservative Episcopalian, was installed last year as the head of a new Nigerian-based church branch in the United States designed as a refuge for orthodox believers. The Anglican Communion does not recognize his position.
"This crisis in the Anglican Communion is not about a few individual bishops, but about a worldwide communion that is torn at its deepest level," Minns said.
Williams said in his statement: "I have to reserve the right to withhold or withdraw invitations from bishops whose appointment, actions, or manner of life have caused exceptionally serious division or scandal within the communion."
"I would not use the word 'moderate,' because in our milieu that often means liberal. But it's a shift toward a more centrist, kinder, less harsh style of leadership," Page said. "In the past, Baptists were very well known for what we're against. . . . Instead of the caricature of an angry, narrow-minded, Bible-beating preacher, we wanted someone who could speak to normal people."
With members of an older generation of evangelical leaders, including the Rev. Billy Graham, the Rev. Pat Robertson, psychologist James C. Dobson and the Rev. D. James Kennedy, ailing or nearing retirement, Page is one of many pastors and political activists tugging conservative Christians in various directions.
Others include the Rev. Rick Warren and the Rev. William Hybels, megachurch pastors who are championing the fight against AIDS in Africa. David Barton, head of a Texas-based group called WallBuilders, stumps the nation decrying the "myth" that the Constitution requires separation of church and state. The Rev. Joel Hunter of Orlando urges evangelicals to see climate change as a serious religious issue, because "our first order in the Garden was to take care of the Earth."
Sharpton's visit comes about two weeks after he made comments about presidential candidate Mitt Romney during a debate with an atheist author.
Sharpton said: "As for the one Mormon running for office, those who really believe in God will defeat him anyways, so don't worry about that; that's a temporary situation."
Romney later criticized Sharpton saying the comment could be construed as bigoted.
Sharpton, who urged the firing of radio host Don Imus after Imus's racially insensitive remarks, said his words were taken out of context.
Today, he's scheduled to meet with officials at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and tour the grounds of Temple Square.
At least five people have been killed in a bomb explosion at a historic mosque in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad, the authorities say.
Many more were hurt in the blast during Friday prayers at the Mecca Masjid, one of India's biggest mosques.
Interior Minister Shivraj Patil said the explosion at the entrance to the mosque was caused by a "crude bomb".
Police say they also found and defused two live bombs near the mosque. It is not clear who carried out the attack.
Girls as young as five moan Britney’s racy lyrics, while their sisters in elementary and middle school copy Nicole’s compulsive dieting, Lindsay’s brazen flashing, and Paris’ sultry stare. Young women are now groomed from girlhood to arouse sexual attention by posting suggestive messages on their personal web pages and wearing the same risqué fashions as their Bratz dolls. Newsweek recently chronicled the rise of these “prosti-tots” – girls as young as seven “who dress like tarts” and dream of breast implants as high-school graduation gift.
Aspiring young exhibitionists can find role models everywhere these days, from the coeds who disrobe for “Girls Gone Wild” camera crews and publish pornographic pictures of themselves in student-run magazines, to mothers who take pole-dancing classes and wear the same see-through blouses and skin-tight jeans as their teenage daughters....
You can see them in the mall, tugging nervously at their skimpy shorts and halter tops, straining to see how men react to their little bellies flouncing out of low-slung jeans. They look more exploited than empowered as they fuss and cringe, adjust and squirm. How odd that in an age when girls have more athletic and academic opportunities than ever, girlhood has become a high-pressure dress-rehearsal for adult mating games.
The ad is sponsored by Fetman, Garland & Associates, Ltd., a law firm specializing in divorce. The billboard is complete with two scantily clad bodies — one male and one female — telling people that "Life's short, get a Divorce." It's located near the intersection of State and Bellevue streets.
...the law firm calls the ad "cutting edge" and is making no apologies for it. Lawyers there say the ad isn't for everyone, but instead targets couples looking for a way out of a bad marital situation.
The tomb is at a site called Herodium, a flattened hilltop in the Judean Desert, clearly visible from southern Jerusalem. Herod built a palace on the hill, and researchers discovered his burial site there, the university said....
Herod became the ruler of the Holy Land under the Romans around 74 B.C. The wall he built around the Old City of Jerusalem still stands, and he also ordered big construction projects in Caesaria, Jericho, the hilltop fortress of Massada and other sites.
It has long been assumed Herod was buried at Herodium, but decades of excavations had failed to turn up the site. The 1st century historian Josephus Flavius described the tomb and Herod's funeral procession.
Haaretz said the tomb was found by archaeologist Ehud Netzer, a Hebrew University professor who has been working at Herodium since 1972. The paper said the tomb was in a previously unexplored area between the two palaces Herod built on the site. Herod died in 4 B.C. in Jericho.