Unsure if it comes with a secret decoder ring, but Great Britain's Dept. of Education is supplying students with "Know Islam" Kits:A British council has presented resource packs covering the basic teachings of Islam to primary schools across the London borough of Harrow in an effort to provide a better understanding of the Muslim faith, according to a local daily.
“The new resources will help school staff further develop their approach to high quality teaching of Islam — a religion that is far too often misunderstood,” the Harrow Times Monday, June 27, quoted as saying Councilor Navin Shah, leader of Harrow borough Council, which has become the first to fully fund the teaching of Islam in primary schools.
The resource packs include books, artifacts, CDs, videos and teaching aids covering the basic Muslim beliefs and practices through interactive class projects. Resources for secondary schools are also being developed and will be available to schools across the borough, according to the paper.
The packs for primary schools were produced by the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), in partnership with the Department of Education and Skills.
Great! Most Brits don't know anything about Christianity, either. Can we start putting "Know Christ" kits together now?
The new slogan coming out of Washington
5 days ago