Wednesday, April 14, 2004


Mark Kellner has an update on the previously posted on lawsuit by the New Yorck Civil Liberties Union against the Salvation Army for expecting employees to support its religious goals:
Regarding the Army's social service programs, the ACLU affiliate claims, "The Salvation Army has improperly infused religion into the workplace."

The Army, an evangelical church that came to New York City 124 years ago, says it may have to revise some of the forms. But it won't back down.

According to Gary McCaleb, senior counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, the suit could spell trouble for other faith-based groups. "If the NYCLU prevails in this case," McCaleb said, "some of the most effective groups—faith-based groups—[will] either have to surrender their faith-based distinctive, … or they will have to decline government funds."

The Army says it began reemphasizing its Christian character in September 2003 after new leaders came to the New York City unit.

The emphasis in the above is my own. Theosebes has warned against the siren song of government money. Where goes government money goes government regulations and goes the ACLU.

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