The good folks over at the Supreme Court (who was it that commented the book of Judges is followed by the books of the kings?) are set to decide whether or not each and every one of us has a Constitutional right to engage in sodomy with same sex partners. They have accepted a Texas case for review, which could also affect sodomy laws in 13 other states. The FoxNews article states, 'States argue that the laws, some dating back more than 100 years, are intended to preserve public morals. The laws are rarely enforced.'
Now I've read the Constitution before, and I've missed each and every reference to sodomy as a protected right (I think it's in the same amendment with abortion). This is a state matter and the court needs to uphold the law (quite frankly, I don't really think the Court has the right to strike it down, but I'm radical that way). If you don't like the law, here's the answer for you: 'William Delmore III, an assistant district attorney in Texas, said people who don't like the law should take it up with the Texas Legislature, not courts.'
But should there be such laws in the first place? I think it gets back to the issue of normalizing an aberrant behavior and protecting a societal standard of decency. Although the laws are seldom enforced (which the article admits), it makes a statement that society does not view that behavior as acceptable.
Aha! (you say) There you go--trying to 'legislate morality'!
Yes, I admit it. But what, pray-tell, else does one legislate? We legislate against murder, rape and robbery. Those are immoral acts. The fact is our civilization is held together by a foundation of Christian morality. Decadence occurs in direct proportion to our abandonment of those. Ask the avowedly atheist communist states. Those who argue for individual liberties in the face of clear moral precepts attempt to undermine the very foundation on which legitimate rights and liberties are based. We have been living off the moral capital of our ancestors for at least three generations now (probably more). It's time we started building up some of our own.
The Capitol of King Saul
4 days ago
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