Saturday, August 23, 2003


Ah, where would we be without those enlightened Universalist-Unitarians. A movement within the group is pushing polyamory:
Activists define polyamory as "responsible non-monogamy," or the potential for loving more than one person at a time. They say "polys" want honest, intimate, enduring love relationships. They just don't want them limited to two people.

Well, of course not. The Mormons must have been onto something after all. And polyamorists have reason to hope their, ahem, preferences will soon be accepted by society at large:
Valerie White of Sharon, Mass., president of the [polyamorist] group and Harlan White's sister, said she hoped that someday Unitarians would be as welcoming to "polyamorists" as they have been to gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgendered people.

She also welcomed the Supreme Court's recent decision striking down a sodomy law, seeing it as clearing the way for polyamory practitioners.

Yes, I think that's exactly what we're going to see. Once a society loses the ability to say something is wrong, it soon loses the ability to say anything is wrong.

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