When it comes to instrumental music in worship Mike Cope doesn't think so. Personally, I like to be circumspect about declaring what God does and does not care about (cf. Nadab, Abihu). Then again, I'm sure Cope would declare that my views are "lame, built on shoddy hermeneutics." Thankfully, however, "those in the a cappella tradition don’t need to be ashamed of it." Whew! I can hold my head up with pride over my lame and shoddy tradition--thanks, Mike!
The Capitol of King Saul
4 days ago
Meanwhile, apparently in Mike's church, the decisions are made not by a body of elders, but by "the younger people":
It’s nothing I’m going to fight a younger generation on. If they decide to set it aside for the sake of the mission, I’ll be with them. (Sad, perhaps, but still with them.)
Shouldn't younger people respect their elders, and not the other way around?
"Personally, I like to be circumspect about declaring what God does and does not care about." (when it comes to instrumental music in worship).
All this wailing and gnashing of teeth over what sort of music GOD PREFERS seems just a bit silly to me. If your church tradition supports a capella, wonderful. If another church uses pipe organs, string quartets, or even electric guitars, SO WHAT? Either it's a sin or it isn't. If you think instrumentation in worship is a sin, Alan, then say so, don't beat around the bush. And if it isn't a sin, why would anyone be wasting time on such a foolish debate?
Good heavens, why am I wasting time on this? [:o(
Chuck wrote:
"All this wailing and gnashing of teeth over what sort of music GOD PREFERS seems just a bit silly to me."
I Corinthians 1:18-25 and 2:14 come to mind. Since God's wisdom often appears as foolishness to men, I prefer to let God speak for Himself. Not my place to approve that which He has not.
Also sad is seeing the use of profanity defended in the comments by some of Cope's followers. Once you start down the road to apostasy, there's no telling where you'll end up.
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