Friday, June 25, 2004


Well, if we go by language probably so. Kerry who (in)famously and calculatedly used the "f-word" in a Rolling Stone interview (earning the nickname "John F'ing Kerry") can now welcome Cheney into the foul language club:
Vice President Cheney cursed at Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy during a confrontation on the Senate floor while members were having their annual group picture taken earlier this week, Leahy and Senate sources said Thursday....

During their exchange, Leahy noted that Republicans had accused Democrats of being anti-Catholic because they are opposed to some of President Bush’s anti-abortion judges, the aides said.

Cheney then responded, “f--- off” or “f--- you,” two aides said, both speaking on condition of anonymity.

You like to see mature exchanges like that among our nation's leaders.

In Cheney's defense, at least he has the maturity to keep such language private (well, relatively) and not planted in hep cat magazines to appeal to the kids. But episodes like that make it a little hard to take the Bush-Cheney ticket too seriously when they make their pitch to the religious right.

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